© Sicilian Family Tree

Sicilian Family Tree hosts Surname Registries for just two towns – Misilmeri and Ventimiglia di Sicilia. We have a special affection for these two towns because of our own ancestral connections to them.

If you also have ancestors from Misilmeri or Ventimiglia di Sicilia, we invite you to visit the Registries by following the links below. You may also add your surnames to the registries using the form below. Please note that surnames from other towns will not be accepted.

Surname Registry Form

If you have a genealogy website for your family, we can add that to your listing! Please, only genealogy sites!
Please enter only surnames for families that are from the town of Misilmeri, in the Province of Palermo.
Please enter only surnames for families that are from the town of Ventimiglia di Sicilia, in the Province of Palermo.
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